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Alice in Blockchains Podcast: Hiam Hamed - Web3 Revolution in Marketing

Recently, we have witnessed exponential growth in the application of new technologies, the presentation of the web3 world, and its application in everyday life.

With the arrival of new technology, forms of communication will take on a different meaning. To succeed in this new environment, companies will have to focus on transparency, responsibility, and the satisfaction of their target groups, all under the hood of web3, a decentralized internet in which only a few technological giants no longer control the digital space.

Our guest is Hiam Hamed, who will explain to us through the prism of marketing why web3 brings a revolution in communication, what marketing changes are going through, and whether classic advertising will disappear.


  • What is the most challenging thing when moving from the web2 to the web3 world?

  • Women in leadership positions

  • Traditional vs. new marketing forms

  • Do brands use the potential of the web3 world enough?

  • Is it a web3 marketing buzzword?

  • Advice for domestic brands for investing in the web3 world

Listen to the latest episode (in Croatian) on YouTube or Spotify.

In cooperation with Podcast Studio Hrvatska.


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